May 22 -International Biodiversity Day

The International Day of Biodiversity pursues a number of goals: raising public awareness of the conservation of biodiversity and the dangers threatening it, raising awareness of achievements at the community and national levels in the field of biodiversity protection, adoption of innovative solutions that mitigate the risk of loss.
This is one of those days when we need to reconsider our attitude to nature and biodiversity once again. Although many people do not realize the role of nature in our lives, it is a driving factor, and there is a need to reassess and protect the wealth that we have.
The main causes of biodiversity loss are․
•    deforestation,
•    agriculture,
•    excessive use of biological resources,
•    urbanization,
•    mining,
•    environmental pollution
On the occasion of this day, the Ministry of Environment is launching a series of # Redirect. This is our small contribution to raising the level of public awareness in the study and conservation of the biodiversity of Armenia.