A discussion was held at the RA Ministry of Nature Protection with 10 representatives of city districts and of relevant departments which have joined “EU Covenant of Mayors”

Towards the 21 conference within the framework of the UN Climate Change Conventionthe RA Ministry of Nature Protection organized a round table with 10 heads of Armenian city districts and representatives of relevant departments which have joined “EUCovenant of Mayors”. Greeting the participants, RA Minster of Nature Protection Aramayis Grigoryan stated that within the preliminary period of 21st conference of the UN Framework Convention all the member states were suggested to propose their own position on “Envisaged activities defined on the national level”, which will be applied in future report concepts including the definition of the reduction regime of global emissions of greenhouse gases. Minster Aramayis Grigoryan noted that it is planned since 2020 all the member states of the convention must have taken the responsibilities to reduce or to restrict emissions of greenhouse gases. Transparent and definite information about undertakings should be presented. Armenia appreciating global efforts of emission reduction on voluntary bases realizes activities directed to mitigation of the climate change and embraces the issues in national development programs. In this context the RA Ministry of Nature Protection as a national coordinator of the convention invited heads of city districts to discuss the role, achievements and the coming tasks in the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases.  The meeting was organized taking into consideration the EU efforts to involve Armenian cities in measures directed to the solution of the climate change main problems, as well as the heads’ decisions to join the EUCovenant of Mayors. During the round table energy efficiency and restored energetic problems were considered; city heads reflected upon the fulfilled works and current problems, discussed the threshold of emission reduction and other relevant topics under the climate change convention. Presently, Spitak, Tsakhkadzor and Vayk cities of 10 Armenian cities which joined the convention, have already developed projects addressing the reduction of emission extent whereas the rest are in various phases of project development. At the end of the meeting Minister Aramayis Grigoryan stated that the ministry is willing to support the latter for the realization of undertaken responsibilities within the scope of its authorities.